If you’re lucky enough to keep your pool open year-round – you still have some work to do. Sorry but it’s true.
We’re often asked – if I’m not swimming in my pool, even though it’s open year-round, why do I have to maintain it, other than an occasional cleaning?
The short answer: To protect your investment.
Now here’s the long answer: Winterization procedures will vary depending on your region of the country. It’s always a good idea to talk to your local pool pro about what’s right for you in your particular climate.
Turning off the pool pump and using only a chlorine-tablet floater, is not a good idea.
Your pump is the heart of your pool’s circulation system. It pulls water from the pool through the skimmer and main drain/s, pushing it through the filter and returns it back to the pool through the main returns. The filtration system cannot operate without the pump running. Remember, as we say at Hayward, “clear water doesn’t mean good water, but good water will be clear”.
Depending on the size of your pool, we still recommend you run your pump run at least 4-6 hours a day during the fall and winter months. The daily cycle can be divided into multiple cycles, but each cycle should be no shorter than 4 hours, for all the water to pass through the filter at least once.
When you don’t run your pump a sufficient amount of time, the chemicals can’t be evenly distributed through the water and bacteria could grow. The concentrated chlorine from the floating chlorinator can damage the pool’s surface if the water is not properly circulated. It is also good for your pump. Running the motor heats it up and evaporates moisture/humidity that is harmful to the motor.
Low pH, low total alkalinity, low calcium hardness or any combinations of these important water parameters can literally destroy your equipment and finishes. To prevent this, it is important to maintain proper water balance.
This routine maintenance will protect your investment for years of enjoyment.