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Elevate your pool and landscape experience: expert advice and solutions for seamless enjoyment.

Elevate your pool and landscape experience: expert advice and solutions for seamless enjoyment.

Is my heat pump leaking water? There are large puddles of water under it.

  • There are two methods for testing for a leak on your heat pump. 
  • (1) Turn the heat pump off, but leave the pool pump on to circulate water through the unit. If the heat pump is leaking it will leak whether or not it is running. The water around the heat pump will dry up in a few hours if there is no leak. 
  • (2) Check the water around the heat pump as you would the pool water, with a chlorine test strip. If the water around the heat pump does not show the same level of chlorine as the pool water, then the water around the heat pump is condensation from heat pump operation and is not coming from the pool. If the water around the heat pump tests the same as the pool water, then there is probably a leak in the heat pump.